What is Medicaid and Medicare?
Medicaid and Medicare are two different types of healthcare program coverages. These two programs are offered in the United States and are government-funded programs meant to aid and assist medically two different groups of people. They both have two separate eligibility.
Blue Zones: What Can We Learn from the World’s Healthiest Communities?
Around the world, there are geographic regions where people live significantly longer and maintain much healthier lives. The inhabitants of these so-called “Blue Zones” have much lower rates of chronic diseases and significantly higher numbers of centenarians, who live past 100 years old.
10 Days in: A healthcare perspective of Donald Trump's US Withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO)
In Donald Trump’s first few days back in office, he has signed over a hundred executive orders affecting and changing many policies such as immigration, environment, and many more on controversial topics. He has pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Treaty to end gender-discrimination laws. Still, many have not been informed on his orders and that effectively changes healthcare in the US for every American.
The Rise of Plant-Based Diets
Plant-based diets have grown in popularity in recent years. Around the world, especially in the United States, health gurus, environmentalists, and everyday people alike are opting for more plant-based food preparation. Whether it's vegan restaurants or simple plant-based alternatives on grocery store shelves, the spotlight of the consumer’s diet began a shift to focusing less on meat and more on plants. These nutrient-dense diets consist of foods made from plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains. They have grown in popularity for various reasons, like personal health concerns, but another leading cause for the switch is the potential benefits for planetary health.
The Temporal Lobe: How it Works
The temporal lobe can be found behind the temples of the head. The temporal lobe contains the primary auditory cortex and the auditory association area. The temporal lobe is known for hearing, language processing, and memory.
Rising Awareness for Mental Health
In the year 2025, we will see mental health awareness at an all-time high. This is due to the rising testimonies coming from across the world. The increasingly fast pace of life, only amplified by socioeconomic and political pressures, has woken up the need/desire for people's minds to give more attention to their mental health.
Addressing the Mental Health Crisis in the Nursing
Nurses, the heroes of the healthcare system, often find themselves on the frontlines of a silent battle, struggling to maintain their own mental well-being. In the article, “The Impact of Nurses’ Work Environment on Mental Health and Suicide” by Critical Care Nurse they highlight the demands of the nursing profession can take a significant toll, leading to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and even suicidal ideation compared to the general population.
Combating Malnutrition in Underdeveloped Countries
Malnutrition is a broad term, simply it can be defined as the lack of proper nutrition. It occurs when a person fails to meet or surpass their body’s nutrient requirement. Malnutrition can occur in the form of undernutrition or overnutrition. The former is far more common in underdeveloped countries that do not have access to sufficient food systems or proper healthcare. There are multiple types of undernutrition, including acute malnutrition (wasting), chronic malnutrition (stunting), and micronutrient deficiency (World Health Organization, 2024). The global scale of malnutrition, specifically undernutrition, is quite large today.
The Top Health Benefits of Matcha
Matcha is a powdered green tea that is made from shade-grown tea leaves. It has a bright green pigment and a rich, umami flavor. Umami means “delicious savory taste” in Japanese. Matcha may be good for your weight, health, and other aspects as a result of its high antioxidants.
Tackling the Villain Antagonizing Americans, Hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis impacts the lives of approximately 3% of Americans, yet not many people seem to know about it, nor open up about their experiences with hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis causes the sweat glands to produce excessive sweat, often triggered by stress, anxiety, or heat. The condition can cause embarrassment and social withdrawal as sufferers of the condition don’t want others to make note of their sweat-soaked clothes. This article will dive deep into recent advancements and the implications hyperhidrosis has on people’s daily lives.
Drugs and Society: Substance Abuse Shaping The Community
Drug abuse has significantly impacted health communities today. It is a personal struggle that involves battling against substances that disrupt our bodies and minds. These substances can include a wide range of drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, and even prescription medications. Drug abuse occurs globally, affecting diverse demographics and cultures. While it is often more common in impoverished areas, the reality is that it can impact anyone, anywhere.
The Harmful Health Effects of Wildfires
You may have heard about the drastic wildfires that have been occurring in Los Angeles. As a Los Angeles resident, this is all that I have been hearing about the past five days! Hearing about it so often is very upsetting as all that we know is that lives were taken, homes were destroyed, and natural landscapes have been damaged. Not only do these fires have an impact on the environment surrounding us, but it has harmful effects to our bodies, more specifically the smoke from the fires.
The Harmony of the Mind.
The use of music can be related to a language that surpasses cultural and linguistic barriers, touching the hearts and minds of people universally. Whether it’s a soothing melody that calms the soul or a slow depressing beat that brings one to tears, music has a significant impact on our emotional and mental state. In this article, we’ll delve into the psychological effects of music, exploring how it influences, and overall well-being.
Coffee drinking time and mortality: When is the best time to drink coffee?
Around 70% of adults in the United States of America consume coffee daily. That is about 183 million adults who drink coffee. Moderate daily consumption is typically linked to various health benefits, ranging from improved brain function to reduced risks of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even death. But when is the best time to drink it? This article explores newly published research that examines the patterns of coffee consumption timing among the U.S. population and assesses their relationships with different health outcomes.
The Skepticism Of Future Healthcare Insurance Companies: Is It Fair?
With several decades, people in the U.S have grown skeptical regarding the insurance policies and tactics of the Healthcare Industry. Dating back to the early 1900’s, people have noticed the common problems and hardships they had to encounter due to the standard policies of the insurance coverages. Recent news reports address that problems such as rising healthcare costs, issues with fraud and abuse, lack of security and privacy are just some of the ideas of why people have begun to protest about these issues. Because of the unequal treatment of some companies, people have grown furious and even protested in riots and took significant action.
Deep Dive of Dermatologists
What Are Dermatologists Exactly? Dermatologists are doctors who are trained and specialized so that they can diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases in the skin, hair, nails, and also address cosmetic disorders. Dermatologists study to identify over 3,000 conditions. Some of the most common conditions that they come across in their career are acne, skin cancer, and vitiligo. They also learn how to diagnose rare conditions like argyria and actinic prurigo.
The Psychological Impact of First Love: Lasting Effects on Emotions and Relationships.
First love is a universal experience that leaves a lasting mark, like scars on one’s heart and mind. The process of it is constantly being exposed to new intense emotions, ones like never before. Despite this new ecstasy, sometimes the connection will end in heartbreak, the psychological impact of first love can shape new behaviors, emotional well-being, and one’s future. This article explores how those early romantic and addicting experiences influence our psychological state such as in behavior, self-esteem, and attachment styles.
Beyond Words: Tackling Healthcare’s Language Barriers
Language problems are a major obstacle for many people on their path to providing effective healthcare and ensuring patient safety. However, bigger medical facilities are taking the initiative to improve communication and treatment access by offering interpreting services. Even as we manage the challenges of cost and treatment duration, this dedication to conquering barriers shows the value of care in improving the healthcare experience.
Chronic Diseases: How can the Mediterranean Diet Help Prevent it?
The definition of chronic diseases can be stated as conditions that last one year or more and must have ongoing medical attention, or one must regulate activities in your daily life, or in some cases both. Chronic diseases are a significant cause of illnesses and death in the United States. The main causes of chronic diseases are smoking, unrestricted alcohol consumption, and poor nutrition. Some examples of these diseases are diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart disease. In the United States, it is claimed that six in ten adults have at least one chronic disease. In addition, four in ten have two or more diseases.
Is AI Enhancing Patient Outcomes in Healthcare?
As we know, AI (artificial intelligence) is used widely, primarily by people in academic settings. AI can be viewed as both harmful and helpful. It can be used for wrongful purposes, but it can also provide beneficial applications depending on the way you use it.